• Question: What GCSEs do you have?

    Asked by modemily to Antony, Becky, Emily, Naomi on 3 May 2017.
    • Photo: Naomi Love

      Naomi Love answered on 3 May 2017:

      I have GCSE’s in all the core subjects as well as statistics, french, german, history and RE.

    • Photo: Emily Paget

      Emily Paget answered on 3 May 2017:

      I did all the basic ones and computer studies, art, Spanish, food technology (I thought it would be easy.. AND IT WAS NOT).. I can’t remember it was a long time ago… French maybe?

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 3 May 2017:

      I did all the basic ones (I only took single science!!)
      I also took art, RE, history, german (guten tag) and ICT.

    • Photo: Antony Poveda

      Antony Poveda answered on 4 May 2017:

      I have all of them. Even GCE Pottery. It says so on my CV. [source not found]
